Other International Exhibitions

2022-09-23 15:52

I. Hong Kong International Film & TV Market

HongKong International Film & TV Market (FILMART)The previous FILMART was a large gathering of 801 exhibitors from 37 countries and regions, including Canada, Mainland China, European Union, France, India, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Taiwan, the UK, Vietnam, Macao, Middle East and Spain. 7,300 visitors from 60 countries and regions attended the event.

Exhibitors and Participants Involved Companies and organizations engaged in film, television, animation, digital entertainment/video game, digital effect and music distribution and production; theater business; videotape and optical disc production, distribution and rent; terrestrial television/cable television/subion television and satellite broadcasting; radio and online broadcasting; production and post-production services; production technology and equipment; entertainment services; IP licensing; film festival/exhibition organization; industrial associations, financing, and professional entertainment services.

II. U.S. China Film & TV Industry Expo

 is an important platform established by Chinese and American media professionals with a profound understanding of the film and TV industries of both countries to promote all-round cooperation between American and Chinese film and TV industries in the context of further developing professional and personnel exchange and cooperation in cultural industries and between cultural companies of both countries under the work of U.S.-China Consultation on People-to-People Exchange (CPE). It is also the first large-scale bilateral media and cultural exchange event organized by Chinese professionals and well received by American mainstream society, with strong support from the municipal government of Los Angles, SART and Electric Power Bureau.

Highlights of UCFTI Expo:

1. Investment for your next project;

3. Critical solutions to your co-production schemes;

5. Opportunities to exhibit your products and equipment and secure large orders;

7. Opportunities to promote all-round cooperation between Chinese and American film and TV industries, and/or launch joint development of new technologies and products

The exhibitors at the first UCFTI Expo included Chinese and American film and TV executives and key production teams, industrial association and trade union members (40%), operators of pre-production and post-production equipment, display and transmission system (20%), and production executive management (20%).

Location: Santa Monica Beach, Los Angeles, U.S.

, the world’s largest motion picture business event held in Santa Monica of U.S., is an annual fair hosted by the Independent Film & Television Alliance (IFTA) in April since 1981 and in November since 2004. It is attended by over 8,000 industry executives from around 70 countries annually, including D&R and procurement staff of film studios, legal counsels, distribution agents, directors, writers, producers, as well as policy guidance officials, investors and all those who provide services for the industry.

1. You will meet more than 1,600 buyers from over 80 countries, with a total purchasing power of 1 billion+ USD.

3. You have a chance to establish sales channels and develop new connections. Get to know each buyer at the AFM.

5. You have an opportunity to build up your company image and business relations. Show your business highlights to participating buyers and business magazines.

7. You will get the best from your marketing investment. Where else can you meet all buyers under one roof?

9. AFM is held six months after the Cannes Film Festival, the longest interval between American film fairs, during which film buyers have been ready to make a new deal.

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